
IsoPops is in the process of being added to the CRAN universe, when it will be possible to install using the standard install.packages() command within R/Rstudio. For now, the code is available for download on Github and can be built into a library in R using only a few commands input to the Terminal:

  1. First, download the package from Github. You may need to unzip the folder.
  2. Confirm that the folder is named "IsoPops" (or rename it if you downloaded it as "IsoPops-[branch name]").
  3. Open Terminal and navigate to where the package is -- likely your Downloads folder.
  4. Run the command R CMD build IsoPops, and you should see a message ending with building 'IsoPops_[version].tar.gz'
  5. Run R CMD INSTALL 'IsoPops_[version].tar.gz'.
  6. You should now be able to run library(IsoPops) within R/Rstudio. You're done!

Another option is through the package devtools, which lets you install from Github using only the console in R/Rstudio:

                      install.packages("devtools")  # if it isn't already installed
                      install_github("kellycochran", "IsoPops")

If you encounter issues using part of IsoPops, check that you have all noted dependencies installed. A list of the packages needed for full IsoPops functionality can be found in the "Imports" and "Suggests" section of the DESCRIPTION file. Many of the dependencies are core R packages and come pre-installed with R, so you will likely only need to install one or two package dependencies, depending on which functions you use.